Cybersecurity, Reimagined

End-to-end security posture management to reduce and manage cyber risk exposure, maximize existing investments, and drive value.

The Digital Reality

We are constantly navigating intricate digital interactions that positively impact our lives. Organizations see this value and are increasing cyber investments to capitalize on fresh growth opportunities. The relentless pace leaves security teams under pressure to evolve and align with the businesses they safeguard. Pellonium makes sense of this chaos and operates at the crossroads of cloud infrastructure, business applications, AI models, and security tools to optimize cyber risk management.

Risk-Based Security Posture Management

Enables security with data-driven confidence to translate risk into strategic decisions, be confident in the value delivered, understand investments and their effectiveness to inform current position and future direction in mitigating cyber risk exposure.

Respects the Risk Triad

Threats, vulnerabilities, and assets are all given equal attention when assessing cyber risk exposure.

Organizes Exposure

Threats are categorized based on their likelihood of success in exploiting vulnerabilities and prioritized by scenarios defined by the outcome the threat actor aims to achieve.

Continuously Informed

The environment is evaluated in real-time ensuring assessments remain relevant.


Encompassing the entire digital ecosystem, wherever cyber risk is materially present.

Organizationally Aligned

All evaluations are based on the measurable impact they could have against strategic objectives and business goals.

Performance Based

The existing security stack is continuously evaluated to optimize ROI.


Risk decisions are evidence-based and data-driven with an aim to reduce exposure based on desired outcomes and risk appetite.


Move from binary checks by considering how each control or policy impacts the overall cyber risk environment.

Pellonium Risk Intelligence

End-to-End security posture management, providing unprecedented data-driven fidelity for security teams and their stakeholders to effectively manage, control, and influence their cyber risk environment.


Continuous Cyber Risk Observability

Holistic risk evaluation across the digital enterprise to ensure comprehensive awareness.


Threat Informed Risk Models

Prioritize key risk exposure areas by running the adversary’s playbooks to determine likelihood of success.


Business Impact Focused

Tuned to the organization’s strategic growth objectives and financial goals.


Optimized Recommendations

Operationally focused risk-remediation tactics and carefully curated treatment plans to 
reduce exposure.


Performance focused ROI Analysis and Recommendations

Data-driven evidence to maximize the performance of existing security stack investments and determine areas of redundancy 
or gaps.